illustration to accompany the article ‘And then we danced, on hosting ghosts and ghosting’ by Eva Susova for The Couch.

This image resembles the urge to liberate through movement. The ghosts and the pollen are placed over an image of a group of female Butoh dancers—an image with a ghost-like appearance, with strong black-and-white contrast and ethereal postures. Butoh dancing arose in the late 50s, influenced by the post-war era and postmodernism, and broke free from traditional forms of Japanese performance. Through the movement, the dancers in this image seem to break free or rise above. The hosted ghosts rise with them, or evaporate out of them, as that which liberates and dances with them, or that which they are liberated from.

illustration to accompany the article ‘Where the magic happens’ by Katherina Gorodynska for The Couch.

Cut-out frame from a woodcut by Vanessa Bell for the cover of Monday or Tuesday by Virginia Woolf through which we see a landscape by the romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich.

illustration to accompany the article ‘The guest at work’ by helena grande for The Couch.

Picture of a dance performance by Alwin Nikolais.

cut out #1 — cavolo nero cut out #2 — cavolo nero cut out #3 — curly kale cut out #4 — curly kale cut out #5 — pointed cabbage cut out #6 — sea kale cut out #7 — sea kale
drawing #1 — face drawing #2 — face drawing #3 — person holding sculpture drawing #4 — figure
drawing #5 — face
drawing #I — chair